Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Over 30 years of service speaks for itself.

We listen to our clients and work with their specific needs.

We respond quickly to any concerns.

Our prices are reasonable.


We train all our micro franchises with our system. The system has been built over 30 plus years in the field to be easy to duplicate and give consistent high quality work.

Our management and team leaders check work consistently to stay on top of quality and save you time.

We introduced micro franchises to help good people even the wage table. Some cleaners have very high standards and enjoy cleaning but have little business skill. We give those people the tools and support they need to run a micro franchise.

Each micro franchise is usually one or  two people that clean a small group of customers. since it is their own business and they make most of the money they continue to take very good care of their clients. Something that is almost impossible with lower paid employees.

Our micro franchises network with each other to support each other in the event that they are ill or when they take well deserved holidays.


We work with every client to understand their needs and frustrations, then develop a complete program tailored just for them to ensure they are getting just what they need.

We work with each client to make sure the program is exactly what they expected and adjust as needs change.

We don’t usually have long contracts.

We do cleaning agreements that have 30 day cancelation terms.

We will adjust an agreement to suit your needs, usually with little or no notice. 

Our top objective is to keep our customers happy and serve your cleaning needs for many years to come. Not just one year.

All our pricing has many factors such as what equipment we need to use, how long the job will take and how often the cleaning is done.

We give free consulting and quotations. Quotations can be on different criteria so you can see how changing things such as frequency can affect your price.

We work with our clients needs to always adjust our routine and schedule to meet your current needs.

This is usually done with little or no notice.

Absolutely. We review our insurance every year with insurance experts to ensure we and our customers are covered for anything that could go wrong.

We also have in place coverage from WSIB.

Our clients can request a copy anytime for their records.